Multi-Bitrate HLS Live Video Streaming
Less Buffering with Adaptive Video Streaming Technology
StreamingVideoProvider offers adaptive streaming or also called multi-bitrate video streaming for your live broadcasts as long as your RTMP encoder can send up to 3 separate RTMP streams with different resolution and bitrate / quality. Our streaming video player will automatically and dynamically change the quality depending on the individual viewer's connection speed. If your viewer starts with a low bandwidth and suddenly gets more the player will bump the user up to a higher quality stream. This means that you won't have to compromise your broadcast quality for clients with better connections whilst still catering for users with low speed connections. Giving you the best of both worlds.
Key Features
Send Multiple Quality Broadcasts such as HD1080p, HD720p and SD480p.
Player Automatically Changes and Adapts to the correct quality for each individual connection.
If viewers suddenly has more or less bandwidth available the player will automatically up or downgrade the viewer's quality
How To Setup Multi-Bitrate Live Streaming
Create a new Live Broadcast
Go to Video Settings > Delivery Method > Switch to HLS (as opposite to RTMP)
Open the Broadcast Panel and choose Wirecast as your source
Copy the RTMP URL and Stream Key for your primary stream
Add the number 2 and number 3 at the end of the Stream Key to send the second and third RTMP stream.
Enjoy Multi-Bitrate Live Event Video Broadcasting
Stream 1:
RTMP URL= rtmp://
Stream 2:
RTMP URL= rtmp://
Stream 3:
RTMP URL= rtmp://
Video Tutorial
Learn How Stream Live Multi-Bitrate Using FMLE & WireCastLearn How To Do Live Multi-Bitrate Video Streaming with Wirecast
Learn How To Do Live Multi-Bitrate Video Streaming with Flash Media Live Encoder FMLE.
Learn more about our live video streaming services.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I do multi-bitrate streaming?
- Because your viewers will have better experience with less buffering as each viewer gets the stream that is best suited to their internet connection.
- Click on [Publish On Your Website]