Accept one-time donations right within the video player.
Allow recurring donations from parishioners.
There are no ads by default, but you can set up your own.
Control who can see your videos and playlists.
Make it your own with a custom logo, colors, and more.
Organize your content in playlists with drag and drop.
The universal embed code works with all website platforms.
Yes, you can use any RTMP live video encoder (software or hardware). We’d suggest EzeCaster Pro if you want a hardware encoder that is almost “plug and stream” and makes your broadcast look professional.
Yes, this feature is called cloud recording and is as easy as flipping a switch. You just need to select this option from the dashboard while you’re streaming. The recording will be saved automatically to your account and it will be available to watch at the same URL as the live event. So, even if someone were to miss your live church stream, they will be able to press “Play” and watch the recording.
Yes, you can. The easiest way to do this is to create the button in your PayPal. The Donate button will be shown at the bottom right corner of the player. When someone clicks on it, they will be taken to PayPal to offer their donation. There are also other methods that you can use to accept donations. For more information, contact us.
It’s also called multistreaming. Imagine you are streaming to your website with StreamingVideoProvider. You have opened the dashboard. There, you can select which social sites you want to stream to. For example, if you select “Facebook”, the same stream that is on your website will be broadcast through your Facebook page. There is no additional setup or hardware needed. You just select the option and you can start streaming to Facebook, YouTube, and other sites.
Yes, you can set up custom ads with the VAST system and make them display before, during or after the live stream. It is similar to YouTube ads but with the added benefit that you have complete control over the ads.